Also Party-People: hoch dramatisch und echt irgendwie traurig: The Cooper Temple Clause-Talking To a Brickwall Dann, ganz toll: Brand New-Sowing Season Dann hätten wir da noch einen Stimmungskracher: Head Automatica-Beating Hearts Baby Und hier kommt das derzeitige Lieblingslied: Shout Out Louds-Please, Please, Please.
------------------------------------------------------------------ One last thing I beg you please, just before you go I've watched you fly on paper wings half way round the world until they burned up in the atmosphere and sent you spiraling down...
zur zeit meine favoriten: Brand new- Sowing Season (war live verdammt geil!*YEAAAAAAAHHHHHH*) Millencolin - No Cigar ("Cause I don't care where I belong no more..."*sing*) A Wilhelm Scream - The Rip (*they only love you when you're gooooone....*)
______________________________________________ These are the words you wish you wrote down. This is the way you wish your voice sounds. Handsome and smart. My tongue's the only muscle in my body that works harder than my heart.
______________________________________________ These are the words you wish you wrote down. This is the way you wish your voice sounds. Handsome and smart. My tongue's the only muscle in my body that works harder than my heart.